El artificio de la escritura / The artifice of writing

domingo, 8 de julio de 2012

Vigilia y sueño ::: Wakefulness and Sleep

Dormirse y despertar: dos momentos de traspaso del umbral, dos sorpresas que a diario se repiten, secretamente transformadoras. 

Vigilia y sueño se alternan. Dos opuestos, dos caras de la moneda; sombra y luz, pavor y deslumbre. 

Se entra y se sale del sueño involuntariamente, involuntariamente se abandona y recupera el estar despierto y el estar dormido. 

Ir y venir de un ámbito a otro: ritmo de lo vivo, signo de lo inescrutable.

To go to sleep and to wake up: two moments of crossing the door, two daily and secretly transforming surprises.

Wakefulness and sleep are alternating ways of being. They are two opposites, two sides of a coin; shadows and light, fright and radiance.

One goes in and out of dreams involuntarily; involuntarily one abandons and recuperates both being awake and being asleep. 

Come and go from one realm to another: the rhythm of life, a sign of the inscrutable.

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