Lost and Found :: Objetos extraviados
Things tend to disappear. Useful, everyday objects one depends on are the most wickedly inclined to be lost, to hide from us, their users. They are like those words which, dangling from the tip of the tongue, refused to be uttered; words that do not want to be remembered and impede communication, leaving the speaker—dumb of impotence—at the brink of anxiety, defeated once more time by the horror vacui, the presence of nothingness.
Las cosas tienden a extraviarse. Los objetos cotidianos, los más útiles, esos de los que uno depende, son los más arteramente inclinados a perderse, a esconderse de nosotros, sus usuarios. Como esas palabras que, colgando de la punta de la lengua, se niegan a que se las diga; palabras que, no queriendo que se las recuerde, impiden la comunicación y dejan al hablante—mudo de impotencia—al borde de la ansiedad, vencido una vez más por el horror vacui, la presencia de la nada.
7 comentarios:
it seems a primitive and nearly--if not totally--inexplicable compulsion to fill nothingness with chatter, and we hope its more than mere chatter, has been the motivation for artists as far back as we remember. then again, can anyone help but fear oblivion, mortality,utter quiet?
"Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness."
He aquí el motivo por el cual se exclamó la palabra "¡Eureka!"
Yes, silence is a force pushing people to talk, and write, and blog.
this may have only minimal relevance to the discussion: a govt. document was leaked about git'mo torture practices. one such practice was sensory deprivation--silence, no speech, etc--to "soften" detainees for interrogation. presumably silence/isolation is maddening.
isnt it ironic then, that to fight the silence (madness), and reap whatever fighting silence grants,we write madness, seeking a language for it? ...anything to fill up the silence...
(see link and others at: http://www.democracynow.org/2007/11/26/leaked_guantanamo_military_operating_manual_reveals)
To whomever you are:
I'm sorry, my friend, but I fail to understand or see what Guantánamo has to do with this blog. I understand your opinion about silence, torture and all that related jazz, however, this is a PEACEFUL blog, without notions of torture or any other uncomfortable condition.
Just for your personal information, my parents went through WWI and WWII, and In case you don't know, the initials mean WORLD WAR I and WORLD WAR II, and I personally. was a very proud serviceman during the Viet-Nam war, so please, do NOT use this blog as a platform for your namby-pamby little problems that pale in comparison to your "gee-whiz experiences". I'm sure that for you, the "uncomfortable" thing is to run out of Cheetos® in the middle of a football game, whereas for MY FAMILY it meant running out of food for the next week. Can you possibly understand the difference, MY FRIEND?, Can you REALLY!!!!!!?????
At least, be respectful of a man who is trying to make a personal statement of his freedom of expression and, please, do not violate it with your Mickey Mouse attittude. By the way, don't believe everything the media says, OK?
And yes, I respect your opinion, despite all.
Much love,
i respect your opinion as much as you do mine, but i thought it worth your knowing that japanese were executed by hanging during post ww2 prosecutions for waterboarding american soldiers for information. i see no reason why our military men and govt. leaders should not be held accountable to standards our nation have held since your grandparents participated in ww2. i consulted mickey mouse and he agrees.
Me pregunto si yo esperaba este tipo de intercambio al escribir mi nota sobre el silencio. Reconozco mi sorpresa al ver a lo que puede llevar la libertad amplísima a romper el silencio que nos otorga el blog. No dudo que el silencio impuesto ha de ser una tortura psicológica que quienes tratamos de mantener una disciplina de escritura deberiamos reconocer como verdaderamente bien concebida para su efecto.
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